Current Graduate Students

Find information regarding our on-campus graduate student programs, resources and partnerships, required department forms, and frequently asked questions.


Colorado State University and the JMC department are committed to helping students succeed in our graduate programs. 

Graduate Student Manuals

Our graduate program manuals detail the requirements, policies, guidelines and procedures for completing the M.S. and Ph.D. in Journalism & Media Communication according to department, college, and university requirements for the degree.

It is intended for use by faculty, students, and staff. Our manuals describe the typical M.S. and Ph.D. program process, but there are many ways to tailor your journey to fit your specific needs while fulfilling requirements. Your JMC advisor and the department’s Graduate Program Committee are here to help you navigate the process.


Elias Gbadamosi with his poster

Conference Travel Funding

Our department offers modest travel support for graduate students whose papers or panels have been accepted for presentation at academic conferences.

Our department can reimburse approved travel expenses such as airfare, food and lodging, and associated travel costs. Travel funding does not roll over year to year.

For all conference funding of any kind, you must fill out our pre-trip form and have it approved by the department before you book any travel. To learn more about travel support, please email the Graduate Program Coordinator.

Externally-funded travel (grant-funded) must go through the same approval process using our pre-trip form and must be approved by the relevant faculty and the department chair. Budget restrictions on externally funded travel come from the project budget, not JMC, so consult the relevant faculty on the project to determine what you can spend.

Graduate Student Awards

Graduate students are eligible for the annual Department of Journalism & Media Communication Engaged and Emerging Scholarship Dissertation and Thesis Awards. Our graduate students work hard to complete their degree programs and their theses and dissertations are the culmination of their work. Thus, the department wishes to recognize the outstanding research and creative accomplishments of our graduate students. Our faculty committee looks to award projects that exemplify:

  • An innovative/original query with a sound qualitative or quantitative research design
  • Public connections that address significant social issues or community concerns
  • A solid contribution to the discipline and/or profession
  • Sound written and/or visual storytelling

Journalism & Media Communication Award recipients are recognized during a formal annual graduate student gathering in fall or spring.

Throughout the school year, our department also recognizes the contributions and exceptional work of graduate students through AttaRam, a tradition that spreads positivity and camaraderie throughout our department.

Professional Development Opportunities

There are many opportunities at CSU to engage in professional development training to gain skills in inclusive pedagogy, leadership, writing, grant applications, professional well-being, career paths, and more. These are not courses, but instead are 1- to 3-hour sessions that address specific professional skills unrelated to an academic discipline. They are generally free of charge. Professional development sessions open to graduate students at CSU include:

  • The Graduate School – A range of workshops and talks specifically for graduate students through their Professional Development Series.
  • The Institute for Learning and Teaching (TILT) – Pedagogy training focused on specific challenges for faculty, staff, and graduate students, including active learning, syllabus design, online teaching, critical thinking, and more.
  • Office of Inclusive Excellence – A series of employee trainings for faculty, staff, and graduate students offered a la carte focusing on diversity, equity, and inclusion topics such as uncovering bias, intercultural communication, understanding oppression, and more.

Get Involved With Our Centers

Center For Science Communication (CSC)

The JMC Center for Science Communication brings together experts, professionals, and students in pursuit of research-driven strategies for understanding the communication of science and science-related topics. The SCS is a hub for interdisciplinary, stakeholder-engaged scholarship in science communication. Their goal is to foster better communication outcomes in pursuit of socially sustainable agricultural, environmental, and health systems.

Strategic Communication Center (SCC)

The SCC is an initiative of the JMC Department launched in 2024 to promote Public Relations and Advertising in the College of Liberal Arts at CSU. The goal is to promote teaching, research, and building industry experience and connections for both our undergraduate and graduate students. The SCC provides students with engaged research and industry experience by utilizing an agency model to learn more about public relations and advertising.

On Campus Facilities/Resources

Graduate Student Offices

The department provides doctoral and master’s students office space and access to a computer. There are also some common areas that can be used for meetings and other gatherings.

Mail and Breakroom

Graduate students are welcome to use the journalism department's breakroom and amenities as well as a personal mailbox for incoming mail.

Software and Printing Resources

Desktop computers in graduate student offices have Microsoft Office products (Word, Excel, etc.) on Windows machines. They also have the statistical analysis software SPSS and the qualitative analysis software NVivo. Students who wish to purchase software licenses for their personal computers should seek out student- and/or university-pricing at RamTech.

Graduate students may also use the department's printer for teaching-related activities. Students are given a unique copy code once classes begin.

Participant Research System - SONA

SONA is the department’s IRB-approved participant management system for recruiting undergraduate student participants for research data collection. Undergraduate students are able to sign up to participate in your research project through the online platform. Participants are compensated with extra credit in some JTC courses. The system is available for your thesis/ dissertation research or for other studies you conduct at CSU. IRB approval is required before use.

Graduate School Forms

The Graduate School requires all students to complete a series of forms at established points throughout their time at Colorado State University. Forms required by the Graduate School have a “GS” prefix and are provided on your RamWeb. The Graduate School is located at 108 Student Services and can be contacted at (970) 491-6817.

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Required Department Forms

DG1 Temporary Advising Form

DG1 Temporary Advising Form

This form is filled out by the temporary advisor of new JMC graduate students (MS & PhD) early in or before the start of the 1st semester. Submit the form via email to the JMC Graduate Program Coordinator.


DG2 Thesis/Research Project/Dissertation Proposal Approval
DG3 Graduate Degree Completion Checklist
DG4 PhD Program Transfer Credit Approval Form & GS6 Planner (PhD students only)
DG5 Ph.D. Coursework Approval & GS6 Planner
DG6 M.S. Coursework Planning Form
Journalism and Mass Communication Abstract Form

Department Optional Forms

Special Course Proposal Form

Special Course Proposal Form

Students who wish to enroll in supervised college teaching (JTC 684 or 784), independent studies (JTC 695 or 795), thesis (JTC 699), or dissertation (JTC 799) credits must complete this form.

Required Signatures:
Supervising faculty member

Form Due Date:
Submit to the department’s graduate program administrator before end of registration period.

Travel Request Form
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Frequently Asked Questions