JMC Ph.D. student explores brain-computer interface technologies as an art therapy resource

Ph.D. student Stephanie Scott is investigating how to integrate art therapy and other creative expression into discussions around brain-computer interface (BCI) technologies. Her research explores how BCIs can be more inclusive for neurodiverse users and communication recovery.

What’s at stake for Trump, Twitter and politics if the tweeter-in-chief returns from banishment

Any speculation about whether Donald Trump will return to Twitter after his permanent suspension in 2021 must begin with two caveats. First, we do not know for sure if, or when, the presumed new owner of the social media platform, Elon Musk, will lift the ban. Second, Trump has said he will not come back.

Community Engaged Workshop to Address Misinformation

Stop the Spread is a community-academic partnership that identifies, addresses, and prevents misinformation around the topic of pandemic disease. Join leaders in the field of science communication at CSU for an interactive workshop that draws together community representatives from diverse organizations around Colorado. We will discuss the key issues Coloradans face related to misinformation, as […]

NoCo Food Justice: Positive Change Through Collaborative Science Communication

A collaboration between the Center for Environmental Justice and the Center for Science Communication for CSU’s Earth Month By Emily Montgomery and Field Peterson Access to healthy, affordable, and culturally desirable foods is more of a luxury than many realize. The systems that guide transportation do not always result in equal distribution. Could local journalism […]