Graduate Assistantships
Discover funding opportunities and student resources to support your graduate studies here, including details about our graduate assistantship program.
Colorado State University and the JMC department are committed to helping students achieve their educational goals. Several types of financial assistance are available.
Teaching & Research Assistantships
The JMC department offers funding to nearly all accepted graduate students to help minimize the cost of graduate school. All applicants are automatically considered for assistantship funding. Students are appointed to quarter-time (approx. 10 hours per week) or half-time (approx. 20 hours per week) graduate teaching assistantships (GTA) and graduate research assistantships (GRA). These appointments are made based on the student’s interests and the department’s needs. The vast majority of assistantships are GTAs. In return for teaching/assisting in undergraduate courses or conducting research, students receive a monthly stipend, a health insurance contribution toward the university’s health insurance program, and tuition remission (not including fees). See the table below for more information about typical funding offers.
Ph.D. Students Assistantship Funding
Typical Offer Length
4 years/8 semesters
Excludes summers, very limited funding opportunities for summer
$2,543/month from mid-August to mid-May for ~20 hours/week of work as teaching and/or research assistant (most are GTAs)
Tuition Coverage
100% of tuition remission for 9 or more credits in fall and spring semesters
Mandatory Fees
By fall 2025, 100% of mandatory fees will be covered. (Coverage is at 75% for fall 2024 and spring 2025.)
Health Insurance
When a Graduate Assistant meets the criteria for a health insurance contribution and has an appointment in both the fall and spring semesters, the Graduate School provides a health insurance contribution in the fall, spring, and summer semesters as long as you are enrolled in the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP). The health insurance contribution covers most of the cost of the policy for all three semesters. Learn more about the Health Insurance Contribution.
M.S. Students Assistantship Funding
Typical Offer Length:
2 years/4 semesters
Excludes summers
$1,902/month from mid-August to mid-May for ~20 hours/week of work as teaching and/or research assistant (most are GTAs)
Tuition Coverage
100% of tuition remission for 9 or more credits in fall and spring semesters
Mandatory Fees
By fall 2025, 100% of mandatory fees will be covered. (Coverage is at 75% for fall 2024 and spring 2025.)
Health Insurance
When a Graduate Assistant meets the criteria for a health insurance contribution and has an appointment in both the fall and spring semesters, the Graduate School provides a health insurance contribution in the fall, spring, and summer semesters as long as you are enrolled in the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP). The health insurance contribution covers most of the cost of the policy for all three semesters. Learn more about the Health Insurance Contribution.
What do GAs do?
Teaching Assistantships
Graduate assistants are typically assigned to work with faculty who teach JTC 100: Media in Society, JTC 211: Computer-Mediated Visual Communication, JTC 300: Professional and Technical Communication, LB 300: Specialized Professional Writing, or other courses as needed. GTA duties include attending lectures, holding office hours, grading papers, assisting in test preparation and proctoring, and leading recitation/laboratory sections.
Research Assistantships
Graduate students may have the opportunity to serve as graduate research assistants and support faculty with grant-funded projects or research assignments. Faculty members have been awarded more than $10 million in external research funding in recent years from such agencies as the National Park Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Institutes of Health, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Students with significant professional or academic experience may be hired as instructors, in charge of teaching skills or concept courses in the undergraduate program. Prior teaching experience is required to be considered for employment as an instructor. Ph.D. students are more likely to be hired in this capacity than master’s students.
Student Loans and Other Aid
Both subsidized (below market rate) and unsubsidized student loans are available to offset all or a portion of a student’s expenses that cannot be covered through other means. Visit Student Financial Services for more information. Please note this source of financial aid is not administered through our department.
Other Aid
CSU Case Management is the hub for identifying resources (including financial assistance) and programs for any student faced with trouble meeting basic needs, unexpected bills, or needing additional supports.
Childcare/Student Parents
CSU's Adult Learner and Veteran Services provides several services and resources to help student parents succeed. For example, free childcare is offered for students needing some time to work/study in the library. CSU's Commitment to Campus provides GTA/GRA employees priority access to local childcare centers and discounts on school out daycare, after school care, and summer childcare and enrichment programs.
How to Apply for Assistantship
All applicants to the graduate program (M.S. and Ph.D.) are automatically considered for Graduate Assistantships.
Appointments are based on your skills and the department’s needs and budget. Therefore, to receive full consideration for graduate assistantships, applicants should be sure all required application materials are complete and submitted on time. Applicants with previous teaching or research experience or expertise should be sure to emphasize those details in their application materials.