Ph.D. Candidate and Instructor of Record


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  • Office Hours:

    by appointment only
  • Role:

  • Position:

    • Ph.D. Candidate and Instructor of Record
  • Concentration:

    • Race and Ethnic Studies
    • Women and Gender Studies
    • Media Studies
    • Sexuality Studies
    • Game Studies
    • Technocultural Communication Studies
  • Department:

    • Ethnic Studies, Journalism & Media Communication, and Women's Studies & Gender Research


Aaunterria T. Bollinger-Deters M.A. is an Instructor in the Department of Race, Gender, and Ethnic Studies, as well as being an Instructor of Record and Doctoral Candidate in the Department of Journalism and Media Communication. She studies Viral Murder Videos, Digital Black Feminisms, Cyberfeminisms, Critical Techocultural Discourse, Virtual World-Building, Erotic Gaming Cultures, Virtual Sex Work, Technosexualities, and the Exploitation film genres (Pornography, Blaxploitation, Grindhouse, and Horror).

Aaunterria’s current research projects include work on racial technologies, ethical Internet research methods, the spectaclization of Black women in BDSM pornography, erotic role-playing games, emotional correlations to games, humanizing digital sex work, inclusive gaming, and teaching social justice games. Her work has been presented at the National Association for Ethnic Studies, the Women in Science Fiction Convention, the Northern Colorado Human Trafficking Symposium, the National Communication Association, the International Communication Association, the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, the Midwest Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association, the Southwest Popular Culture/American Association, and the Western Social Science Association.

She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mass Communications and Media Arts from Southern Illinois University in Carbondale IL. (her hometown); specializing in Cinema, Photography, and Screen Writing as well as Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. Aaunterria also holds graduate certifications in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies from Southern Illinois University, specializing in sex work and pornography; as well as a Master of Arts degree in Ethnic Studies from Colorado State University, specializing in identity politics, racialized womanhood, and media representations of race/ethnicity.

In addition to being the faculty adviser for the Bi, Aro, Ace, Pan, Poly, Queer CSU student organization and a prestigious Vice President for Research Fellow, Aaunterria is currently completing her Ph.D. in the Public Communication and Technology program in the Department of Journalism and Media Communication here at CSU with her work focusing on how Black women’s relationship to and with authoritative power is communicated in visual culture such as social media, Internet pornography, and video games.

RESEARCH: Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Film, Television, Comics, and Games (concentrating in Blackness, Feminisms & Digital Feminisms, Technosexualities, and Mass Media Communications)


  • ETST 100: Introduction to Ethnic Studies

  • ETST 205: Ethnicity and the Media

  • ETST 373: Gynaehorror: Horror Films, Race, and the Female Body

  • ETST 411: Black Feminisms

  • WS 200: Introduction to Women’s Studies